3 AC Odors That Signal Trouble in Newton, MS

The air conditioner in your Newton, MS, home shouldn’t emit any odors when functioning properly. If it starts to smell funny, you can be sure something is wrong with it. The following are three odors that signal trouble in your AC system:


If you notice a smell of burning or gunpowder, you should turn your off AC system right away and call for assistance. This odor points to a potential fire hazard somewhere in your system, so make sure it’s safe to remain in your home.

Service technicians should find the frayed or otherwise damaged wires and replace them. Alternatively, your AC system’s motor may have severely overheated.

Chlorine or Ether

This is the characteristic odor of refrigerant, so you should exit your home if you happen to detect this smell in the air. Refrigerant is quite toxic and inhaling it can pose a significant risk to your health.

You should only entrust the job of detecting the source of your AC system’s refrigerant leak to trained professionals. The same goes for stopping the leak and replacing the refrigerant that escaped. Service technicians can do this as part of maintenance or repair services.

Dirty Socks

Occasionally, your AC system’s condenser coils may gather excessive condensation. The moist environment that results can turn into a breeding ground for biological growth and other undesirable microorganisms. As a result, the microorganisms will create an unpleasant odor that’s rather like that of a gym locker.

Ultimately, the only solution for this is to ask HVAC service technicians to come and clean your coils. Through their examination, they may also be able to discover why so much condensation had accumulated on the coils in the first place and take appropriate remedial measures.

Your nose is one of the best tools you have for spotting trouble with your AC system. If something smells odd, take action right away. Call Thomas HVAC Services to schedule our AC repair services in or around Newton, MS.

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