Should I Invest in a New Heat Pump Installation in Meridian, MS?

Your heat pump may have kept you comfortable for 10 years or more in Meridian, MS, but the time will come when it breaks down permanently. There are certain factors to consider before deciding on a heat pump installation. A heat pump that’s short-cycling, raising your energy bills despite and pushing 15 years old is a prime candidate for a replacement.

Short-Cycling and Other Issues

Heat pumps shouldn’t cycle more than two or three times in an hour, and each cycle should last between 10 and 15 minutes. Ducted heat pumps should heat every room evenly. If you’re not experiencing this, something is wrong.

The repair may be as simple and inexpensive as a filter change. Other times, it could lead to a motor or coil replacement, something only worthwhile if the heat pump is relatively new.

Consider the Heat Pump’s Age

If you face a major repair for your heat pump, consider age next. Ducted heat pumps should last around 15 years with annual maintenance, while mini-splits can work for double that length. With old systems, an expensive repair normally isn’t worth it because it may not extend the lifespan that much.

Current Heat pump Performance

An old system may still work well for at least another winter; it all depends on its current performance. Have you had it repaired recently, and have those repairs improved its operation? If repairs have done nothing in that regard, and if your bills keep going up on account of the inefficient performance, it’s time to replace the system.

For a heating installation consultation in the Meridian, MS, area, call Thomas HVAC Services. Our team will help you choose an appropriate replacement product from our wide range of ducted and ductless heat pumps. You can trust us to complete your HVAC installation with the utmost care and attention.

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