Spring Cleaning? Learn the Benefits of Duct Blasting

Are leaky ducts in your Meridian, MS, home driving up energy costs? Duct blasting can expose ductwork leaks, improve HVAC performance and reduce energy bills.

Why Would You Need Duct Blasting?

Firstly, experts claim that leaky ducts can amplify energy costs by a whopping 40% and prevent optimal HVAC performance. Fluctuating indoor temperatures, high humidity and a system that pulls polluted outdoor air inside can all result. Although not considered it by most homeowners, duct blasting is an essential HVAC service that you should schedule every few years.

What Problems Does Duct Blasting Address?

Here are the problems that duct blasting exposes:

  • Supply duct leaks result in treated air escaping into the garage, attic or crawl space instead of being funneled into the house.
  • Return duct leaks pull hot air inside in summer and cold air inside in winter. This can cause high indoor humidity even when the AC is going full blast. The HVAC system overworks and is subjected to excessive wear and tear.
  • Return ductwork leaks pull in air from attics, crawl spaces and garages. That air can be contaminated with dust, insulation fibers and other toxins.
  • Imbalanced and depressurized ductwork can cause combustion product spillage from water heaters, furnaces and fireplaces.
  • Ductwork leaks can keep indoor air in a permanent state of unhealthy.

How Duct Blasting Helps Your HVAC System

Finally, ductwork leaks can turn indoor comfort and energy costs upside-down. Fortunately, you don’t have to endure it. Blasting your ducts can pinpoint even hard-to-find leaks. It’s the same leak-detection technology used by plumbers. Here are the benefits:

  • Cleaner indoor air.
  • Enhanced indoor comfort.
  • Reduced energy expenses.

Don’t ignore your ducts because they sit behind walls. Out of sight shouldn’t mean out of mind. Learn more about what basting your ducts can do for you you contacting Thomas HVAC Services. We’re always happy to help boost your home comfort and energy savings.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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